For emergencies on Lough Neagh and it’s tributary rivers call 999 and ask for the Coastguard.


  • Callout 810

    Callout 810

    Lifeboats paged at 15:32 by Belfast Coastguard to reports of a speed boat with 2 persons on board which had suffered engine trouble 2 miles south of the Torpedo platform in Antrim Bay. 

    Once on scene, a tow was connect and the speed boat was towed to Antrim Marina and placed alongside a jetty.

    Crews returned to base, washed, refuelled and ready for our next tasking.

  • Callout 809

    Callout 809

    Lifeboats tasked by Belfast Coastguard at 17:11 am to a report of a broken down motorboat south east of Rams Island drifting towards Sandy Bay.

    Crews quickly responded & the casualty was swiftly located. 

    LNR secured a tow-line to the casualty vessel & commenced a long tow.

    Afterwards crews returned to their stations & prepared the lifeboats for their next tasking.

  • Callout 808

    Callout 808

    Lifeboats tasked at 17:36 by Belfast Coastguard to reports of a vehicle which had entered the Sixmile water at Antrim Marina.

    Once on scene it was established all concerned where accounted for with 1 individual having been assisted from the water by a passing Jetski and an individual on a water pedal bike. 

    Crew helped provide medical assistance to another casualty along with our Colleagues from Northern Ireland Fire and Rescue Service until crews from NIAS arrived and took over.

    Also on scene was Antrim PSNI and our colleagues from Lough Neagh Coastguard Rescue team. 

    Crews then anchored the car in the water to stop it from moving any further and which was later recovered and taken away. 

    Special thanks to the quick thinking of the jet skier, the individual on the water pedal bike and those members of the general public who helped at the scene. A great team effort from all involved. 

    Crews returned to base and made ready all assets to be on standby for future call-outs.

    For emergencies of Lough Neagh and it’s tributary river dial 999 and ask for the Coastguard. 

  • Callout 806 & 807

    Callout 806 & 807

    Lifeboats tasked by Belfast Coastguard at 12:40 pm to a report of a yacht aground on Croghan Flat with 1 person on board.

    Crews quickly responded & the casualty was swiftly located. 

    LNR lifeboats secured a tow-line to the casualty vessel & Kinnego Lifeboat commenced a long tow to Kinnego.

    Whilst the tow was underway Ardboe Lifeboat was tasked to a 2nd callout of the day at Sandy Bay. More details to follow.

    Afterwards the lifeboats returned to station & crews prepared the lifeboats for their next tasking.

  • Callout 805

    Callout 805

    Lifeboats tasked at 10.54 to reports of two young girls stranded on Coney Island.

    Lifeboats quickly arrived on scene and worked out that a party of 3 had attempted to make their way to Maghery slip on kayaks, but due to rapidly deteriorating conditions, they were blown off course.

    The advance party made the good decision not to try and paddle back to the island to pick up the girls and instead dialled 999 and asked Coast Guard for assistance.

    Lough Neagh Coast Guard team quickly accounted for the party of 3 while the lifeboats collected the two girls on Coney Island and safely brought them into Maghery slip where the girls were a little shaken but made feel much better by the warm embrace of their parents.

    Lifeboats returned to station for refuelling and readied for their next tasking.

    If you see someone in distress, in, on or around the water, dial 999 and ask for Coastguard.

  • Callout 804

    Callout 804

    Crews were tasked at 13:43 to initial reports of 2 persons in the water being blown off shore on paddle boards west of the Lough Neagh Discovery Centre at Oxford Island. Crews quickly launched and made their way to the scene where a passing boat had come to the assistance of 3 casualties. The casualties were exhibiting signs of early hypothermia so our crews administered casualty care before handing the 3 persons over to NIAS and Lough Neagh Coastguard team.

    The water temperature on the Lough is still only around 10 degrees, which will very quickly lower your core temperature to dangerous levels if submerged.

    Thankfully on this occasion a passer-by spotted the stricken persons and raised the alarm.

    Please remember, before taking to the water

    1. Always wear the correct attire for entering the water (even if you don’t intend to enter the water)

    2. Always wear a buoyancy aid

    3. Always let someone know where you are going & when you will be back

    4 Always have a means of calling for help. A mobile phone in a waterproof case or a VHF radio on ch16

    If you spot someone in distress on the water dial 999 and ask for Coastguard

  • Callout 803

    Callout 803

    Our crews from Antrim, Ardboe & Kinnego were tasked at 18:14 to an incident on the River Blackwater. 

    Along with Lough Neagh Coastguard Rescue Team and Police Service of Northern Ireland, our crews quickly conducted a search of the river where we quickly located and recovered the body of a male.

    We would like to thank our crews who, with great dignity and professionalism, were able to return this soul to his loved-ones and help bring closure for the grieving family.

    Our thoughts and prayers are with the gentleman’s family at this difficult time. 


  • Lough Erne Search

    Lough Erne Search

    Over the last two weekends Lough Neagh Rescue Crews and our statutory agency partners have been involved in the search for a missing person on Lough Erne.

    Earlier today the body of the missing person was located and recovered in a multi agency effort.

    Lough Neagh Rescue wishes to place on record  our deepest sympathies to the family of the individual involved and may he Rest in Peace.

  • Callout 802

    Callout 802

    Lifeboats tasked at 13:03 to reports of a sailing boat which lost engine power whilst returning to Kinnegow with 2 persons on board. Lifeboats located them just north of 6ft flat, The vessel was towed back to Kinnego.

    Lifeboats back in base, washed, and refuelled ready for our next tasking.

  • Callout 801

    Callout 801

    Lifeboats tasked by Belfast Coastguard at 10:25 am to a report of a broken down motorboat 1nm west of Rams Island with 1 person on board.

    Crews quickly responded & the casualty was swiftly located. 

    LNR secured a tow-line to the casualty vessel & commenced a long tow to the casualties home berth at Kinnego.

    Whilst at the inner bay, crews moved the vessel to an along-side tow before the casualty was returned to his berth.

    Crews returned to station & prepared the lifeboats for their next tasking

  • Callout 800

    Callout 800

    Lifeboats were tasked by Belfast Coastguard at 17:34pm and were requested to proceed to Rams Island where 3 persons become stranded with poor weather conditions and a kayak which had been damaged. 

    Upon arriving on scene our crews located the casualties and checked that they were ok and not in need of any any medical attention. 

    Following this the crew brought the 3 persons onboard the lifeboats and took them to safety in Sandy Bay Marina.  

    The lifeboats were then stood down and returned to base where they were cleaned and fuelled for the next tasking.

  • Callout 799

    Callout 799

    Lifeboats were tasked by Belfast Coastguard at 12:28pm to search for a vessel with 2 persons on board that had launched from Kinnego and was on route towards Rams Island. The casualty vessel lost engine power and it was uncertain if they were drifting or at anchor.  Our lifeboats launched into South Easterly winds (gusting at Force 8) and made best speed towards the southern side of Rams Island. 

    The lifeboats located the casualty vessel at Lady Bay and were able to secure a towline, check on the condition of the persons onboard and bring the vessel to safety.  

    The lifeboats were then stood down and returned to base where they were cleaned and fuelled for the next tasking.

  • Callout 798

    Callout 798

    Lifeboats tasked at 10:31 to reports of a boat aground near Coney Island.
    Once on scene the Lifeboats located a casualty on Coney Flat and their boat drifting. Lifeboats provided assistance.

    Lifeboats back in base at 11:46, ready for our next tasking.

  • Callout 797

    Callout 797

    Lifeboats paged by Belfast Coastguard at 16:42 to reports of a sailing boat at Derrycrow with 3 persons onboard and 1 dog requiring assistance

    Lifeboats assisted then returned to base at 18:30, refuelled and ready for our next tasking.

  • Callout 796

    Callout 796

    Lifeboats paged at 11:17am by Belfast Coastguard to a medical emergency at Antrim Gateway Centre.

  • Callout 795

    Callout 795

    Lifeboats paged at 08:23 by Belfast Coastguard to reports of a sailing yacht which had run aground at Shane’s castle.

    Once on scene it was established the yacht was anchored and all onboard where safe and well. 

    Lifeboats returned to base, washed, refuelled and ready for service. 

    Many thanks to the member of the public who raised the alarm. 

  • Callout 794

    Callout 794

    Lifeboats were tasked at 14:53 by Belfast Coastguard to search for a vessel which was overdue and believed to have been in the area of Ballyronan. 

    Our lifeboats launched and while making their way to the area Belfast coastguard asked that all units stand down as the vessel was located and no longer required our assistance. 

    The lifeboats returned to base where they were cleaned and fuelled for the next tasking.

  • Callout 793

    Callout 793

    Lifeboats and shore teams were tasked at 02.47am by Belfast Coastguard to reports of an Emergency Positioning Indicating Radio Beacon (EPIRB) that was emitting a signal in the South East of Lough Neagh.

    Our teams launched and proceeded to search the areas highlighted by Belfast Coastguard. Following searches of Throwagh Bay, Derryadd Bay, Croaghan Flat, Phil Roes Flat, with nothing seen Irish Coastguard Rescue 116 helicopter also joined the search and was able to narrow the search area to Kinnego Marina. 

    Our shore teams alongside Lough Neagh Coastguard Rescue Team‘s searched around the marina and alongside the shore. 

    Portaferry Coastguard Rescue Team also attended the scene with specialist equipment and were able to locate the EPIRB which was malfunctioning. Following this confirmation that there was no danger to life all LNR units were stood down at 09.00am and returned to base. 

    All assets were cleaned and refuelled ready to the next tasking.

  • Callout 792

    Callout 792

    Whilst on routine training exercise, lifeboats where tasked to a yacht which had ran aground in Kinnego Bay in strong North Westerly winds.

    Once on scene the Lifeboat crew confirmed all onboard were ok before a tow was commenced.

    Once towed to Kinnego, crews continued with their training.

  • Callout 790

    Callout 790

    Whilst on routine training exercise Lifeboats encountered a vessel in an unsafe shallow area of the Lough on the southern shore, the vessel asked for directions to Sandy Bay Marina, they were advised of a safe course to Sandy Bay and Lifeboats maintained a visual on the vessel to make sure they took the correct course.
    At 20:13, lifeboats where tasked by Belfast Coastguard to a report over an overdue vessel with 2 persons on board into Sandy Bay Marina. The vessel description matched the vessel Lifeboats were already escorting and they followed it into the Sandy Bay area.

    Crew confirmed the vessel was the one reported and provided safety advice as the vessel had no functioning communication or navigation equipment onboard.

    Crews then continued with their training.

  • Callout 791

    Callout 791

    Lifeboats tasked at 22:52 on Aug 12th to reports of a broken down Jetski near Maghery with exact position unclear due to darkness.
    Once on scene the Lifeboats located the Jetski aground and crew confirmed the rider was ok and they were taken ashore and handed over to Lough Neagh coastguard team.

    Lifeboats back in base at 00:30, washed, and refuelled ready for our next tasking.

  • Callout 789

    Callout 789

    Lifeboats paged at 13:45 by Belfast Coastguard to reports of a vessel that had lost engine power and was drifting near Coney Island.

    Our lifeboats located the vessel with 2 persons onboard.

    The casualty vessel was safely recovered. Lifeboats returned to base, washed, and refuelled ready for our next tasking.

  • Callout 788

    Callout 788

    Lifeboats tasked at 12:12 pm to report of a jetskier in difficulties at Kinnego bay.

    As crew prepared for launch, the casualty, assisted by two paddle boarders had made his way the 100m back to shore. 

    Our crews recovered the ski & loaded it onto its trailer

    The casualty, an experienced jetskier, was checked over by our crew at the station.

    Lough Neagh Rescue & HMCG would like to thank the paddle boarders, who raised the alarm & provided immediate assistance.

  • Callout 787

    Callout 787

    Lifeboats paged by Belfast Coastguard at 20:29 to reports of a broken down vessel (2 Persons onboard) with smoke coming from the engine within in the area of Cranfield. 

    Once on scene the vessel was checked for damage and once all was complete a tow was established into Cranfield Marina. 

    Lifeboats then returned to base, refuelled and ready for our next tasking.

  • Callout 786

    Callout 786

    Lifeboats tasked at 17:58 to a broken down vessel one mile east of Battery Harbour.
    Once on scene the Lifeboat crew confirmed all onboard were ok before a tow was commenced.

    Lifeboats returned to base, washed, and refuelled ready for our next tasking.

  • Callout 785

    Callout 785

    Whilst on routine training exercise, lifeboats where flagged down by a individual on a Jetski who was having mechanical difficulties 3 miles east of Cranfield. 

    Crew assessed the situation and it was decided to tow the Jetski to Cranfield. 

    Once towed to Cranfield, crews continued with their training.

  • Callout 784

    Callout 784

    Following reports that a partially capsized Canoe was spotted at the Fisherman’s Co-Operative on the River Bann, LNR flood and swift water rescue teams were tasked at 19:59 to investigate and conduct a search of the immediate area.

    Our teams launched flood and swift boats from the slip at Toome canal and retrieved the canoe from its trapped location. When the canoe was secured an extensive search of the water, rivers edge and surrounding area took place.

    Also on scene were Police Service of Northern Ireland and Coastguard teams whom joined the search effort from land and air. Crew were then stood down shortly after midnight.

    Vehicles & Boats returned to base, where they were washed, and refuelled ready for our next tasking.

    We would also like to thank the members of Mid Ulster Canoe & Kayak club who also assisted in the search.

  • Callout 783

    Callout 783

    Lifeboats paged at 21:07 by Belfast Coastguard to reports of a fishing vessel that had lost engine power and was drifting towards rocks near Ballyronan.

    Lifeboats launched and made best speed whilst searching for the casualty vessel. A short time later our lifeboats located the vessel with 2 persons onboard.

    Once on scene the crew confirmed all onboard were ok and a crew member boarded before a tow was commenced. The casulty vessel was safely returned to its Quay.

    Lifeboats returned to base, washed, and refuelled ready for our next tasking.

  • Callout 782

    Callout 782

    Lifeboats paged at 12:02 by Belfast Coastguard to reports of a cruiser that had hit rocks on the south side of Rams island.

    Lifeboats launched and proceeded to the area to commence a search; the casualty vessel was located at Lignaboy Point. Once on scene the crew confirmed all onboard were ok before a tow was commenced and the vessel brought off the rocks.

    A further inspection was carried out and the casualty vessel with 2 persons on board were returned safely to Derramore Quay.

    Lifeboats returned to base, washed, and refuelled ready for our next tasking.

  • Callout 781

    Callout 781

    Lifeboats paged at 16:31 by Belfast Coastguard to reports of a broken-down speedboat at Hunters Point.

    Once on scene the casualty vessel was inspected, and crew confirmed all onboard were ok before a tow was commenced towards Kinnego.

    The casualty vessel and the 3 persons on board were returned safely to Kinnego Marina

    Lifeboats returned to base, washed and refuelled ready for our next tasking.