For emergencies on Lough Neagh and it’s tributary rivers call 999 and ask for the Coastguard.


  • Callout 780

    Callout 780

    Lifeboats were tasked at 11:17 by Belfast Coastguard to reports of a broken down Jetski between Ardmore Point and Rams Island. Once on scene the Jetski was inspected before a tow was commenced towards Antrim. The Jetski was recovered at Antrim Marina and handed into the care of Lough Neagh Coastguard Rescue Team.

    Lifeboats returned to base, washed and refuelled ready for our next tasking.

  • Callout 779

    Callout 779

    LNR Lifeboats and Swift Response Units were tasked by Belfast Coastguard at 14:38 to respond to reports of a vehicle in the water at Kinnego marina. 

    Crew responded quickly and upon arriving on scene worked alongside colleagues from statutory bodies. 

    Following a successful outcome to the multi-agency tasking the lifeboats and response units were stood down. They returned to base where they were readied for the next tasking. 

    Also on Scene: Lough Neagh Coastguard Rescue Team, Northern Ireland Ambulance Service, Northern Ireland Fire & Rescue Service and Police Service of Northern Ireland.

  • Callout 778

    Callout 778

    LNR Lifeboats were tasked at 18:13 by Belfast Coastguard to reports of a sailing vessel with 2 persons on board that was aground at the entrance of the six-mile water.

    The lifeboats launched and made best speed to the casualty vessel, when on scene the crew confirmed that those onboard the vessel were safe and well. Following this a tow line was secured and the casualty vessel was towed to deeper water where it was released and was able to make its own way back into the river whilst escorted by our lifeboats. 

    When the casualty vessel was safely tied alongside the jetty our lifeboats were stood down, returned to the stations and were made ready for the next tasking.

  • Callout 777

    Callout 777

    While crew were carrying out routine training, they were made aware by a member of the public at 20:40 that a vessel had engine difficulty at Stanierds point. Our lifeboats were then tasked to assist and made best speed to the casualty vessel. 

    The lifeboat arrived on scene and checked the condition of all onboard, connected a towline and brought the casualty vessel into the Battery harbour where it was safely tied to the jetty with the assistance of our awaiting shore crew. 

    The lifeboat stood down and was made ready for the next tasking.

  • Callout 776

    Lifeboats were tasked at 20:37 by Belfast Coastguard to reports of a speed boat with 3 persons on board that was taking on water in the vicinity of Rams Island.

    Lifeboats launched immediately and proceeded towards Rams Island and commenced a search, our lifeboats rendezvoused with a vessel at the south side of the island and were advised that this vessel had assisted the casualty vessel into Sandy Bay marina. Following this our lifeboats then proceeded into the marina to check on the casualties and when they had confirmed all was well the lifeboats were stood down and returned to base where they were made ready for the next tasking. 

    We would like to acknowledge the great work by those on board the vessel who assisted the casualty and helped ensure the safe return to Sandy Bay marina so swiftly.

  • Callout 775

    Lifeboats and shore crew were tasked at 19:48 to search for a vessel that had lost steering on the River Bann. As information was limited at the time of the tasking, lifeboats and shore crew launched and searched both the Lower and Upper River Bann, North and South of the lough.

    Our crew located the casualty vessel with 2 persons onboard on the Lower River Bann at the North end of the Lough. Crew were able to come alongside, secure a side tow and bring the vessel from the position on the river to the jetty at the lock gate. The vessel was temporarily tied up so the crew could inspect the vessel further and in doing so were able to assist by getting the steering issue resolved. 

    With steering and propulsion checked a crew member then remained onboard the casualty vessel whist the lifeboat escorted it from the River Bann to its mooring in Ballyronan marina. 

    When the casualty vessel was safely moored to the jetty in Ballyronan our crews stood down and returned to base where they were made ready for the next tasking.

  • Callout 774

    Lifeboats were tasked at 19:34 by Belfast coastguard to attend a vessel with 2 persons on board that had broken down just outside Kinnego Bay, Lifeboats attended the scene to lend assistance and towed the vessel back to Kinnego Marina. 

    Lifeboats returned to base and made ready for the next tasking.

  • Callout 773

    Lifeboats were tasked at 17:14 by Belfast Coastguard to attend a vessel with 5 persons on board that had broken down while making their way from Ardboe to Sandy Bay marina. Lifeboats attended the scene by which time the casualty vessel managed to get their engines started and were able to make their own way back to Sandy Bay. The casualty vessel was escorted  back to their destination and Lifeboats then returned to station where they were refuelled, and made ready for the next tasking.

  • Callout 772

    Lifeboats were tasked by Belfast Coastguard at 13:49 and requested to go to the aid a jet ski with 2 persons on board in difficulties on the river Blackwater. Lifeboat attended the scene, brought the 2 casualties on board, and towed their vessel to Maghery where we transferred the casualties over to the awaiting coastguard team. Lifeboats returned to base and made ready for the next tasking.

  • Callout 771

    Lifeboats tasked by Belfast Coastguard at 19:07 and requested to launch to the aid of a boat which had engine failure 5nm North of Kinnego/Oxford Island. 

    Having launched our lifeboats, the crew were then contacted by the Belfast Coastguard and advised to stand down as the casualty vessel had regained power and no longer required assistance. 

    Lifeboats returned to base and made ready for the next tasking.

  • Callout 770

    Lifeboats tasked by Belfast Coastguard at 20:06 to reports of a boat with engine difficulties within the Antrim bay.  

    As the crew arrived to the station it was established the stricken vessel was able to regain power and make its own way into Antrim Marina. 

    Crew made contact with the people onboard who confirmed all was ok. 

    Crew stood down and made ready for further taskings.

  • Callout 769

    Lifeboats were paged at 17:10 and requested to launch to the aid of a fishing boat which had its props fouled and was drifting near Antrim Bay. The lifeboats launched and proceeded to the location identified by the casualty, after a short search the casualty was located drifting towards Cranfield. The crew on board the lifeboat made contact and secured a tow line. 

    One crew member boarded the casualty vessel to help maintain good communication whilst under tow. The vessel was brought to the quay where it is birthed and handed over to the awaiting shore crew who assisted in mooring safely to the jetty.  

    The Lifeboat and shore crew then returned to base and vessels were refuelled and made ready for the next tasking.

  • Callout 768

    Lifeboats were paged at 19:10 and tasked to a stricken motor cruiser approx. 2 nm outside Ballyronan Marina. 

    The lifeboats launched and a short time later located the casualty vessel with 3 persons on board who were safe and well. Following initial assessment, a tow line was connected, and the vessel was brought safely into Ballyronan marina and tied alongside the jetty. Lifeboats returned to base and made ready for next tasking.

  • Callout 767

    Lifeboats were paged at 17:16 and tasked to a 27 ft boat broken down north of Gawley’s gate.
    The lifeboats launched and and proceeded to the area. En route they were informed the boat had managed to get a tow by a local boat and lifeboats were stood down. Lifeboats returned to base and made ready for next tasking.

  • Callout 766

    Lifeboats tasked at 15:28 by Belfast Coastguard to reports of an overturned personal watercraft within Antrim Bay. Once on scene two casualties were extracted from the water and taken onboard the lifeboat. Both casualties were transferred to Antrim Marina and received medical attention before being handed over to our colleagues in the Northern Ireland Ambulance Service. Other assets on scene today included the NIFRS and Lough Neagh Coastguard Rescue Team. 

    Lifeboats were washed, refuelled and ready for our next tasking.

  • Callout 765

    Lifeboats tasked at 1:16 am by Belfast Coastguard to reports of two persons in the water beside a boat which had ran aground at Maghery. Lifeboats and a local boat extracted the two casualties from the water and took them ashore for treatment with the help of the Lough Neagh Coastguard team. They were subsequently taken to hospital as a precaution.

    Lifeboats returned to base and made ready for next tasking by 4:15 am.

  • Callout 764

    Tasked by Belfast Coastguard at 18:16 to a boat aground between Sandy Bay and Rams Island. Lifeboats successfully refloated the vessel and towed it to Crumlin Marina.

    Lifeboats returned to base and made ready for next tasking.

  • Callout 763

    Tasked by Belfast Coastguard at 16:38 to a boat aground near Kinnego Bay. Lifeboat crew successfully refloated the vessel.

    Lifeboats returned to base and made ready for next tasking.

  • Callout 762

    Lifeboats were tasked by Belfast Coastguard at 17:53 to a person in the water at Gawley’s Gate.

    Lifeboats were launched immediately and proceeded to the area. 

    While on route to the casualty our crews were updated by coastguard that the person had been retrieved by another person on a personal watercraft and taken to the slipway at Gawleys gate. 

    Our team proceeded to the slipway were they provided medical assistance until Northern Ireland Ambulance Service arrived at the scene. 

    The boats then returned to base and made ready for the next tasking

  • Callout 761

    Crews where paged at 7:12pm by Belfast Coastguard to help our colleagues from the Northern Ireland Ambulance Service to reports of an unconscious casualty within the Rea’s Wood area of Antrim. Once on scene, a casualty was taken from the area to a nearby ambulance for further treatment. 

    Crews stood down, returned to base and ready to be tasked.

  • Callout 760

    Lifeboats tasked at 6:48am by Belfast Coastguard to reports of a Personal Location Beacon being activated.
    Information received narrowed a search area down to the Ardmore Point heading north towards Antrim.
    After a detailed search and further information being received from the coastguard, all Lifeboats were stood down, returned to base and refuelled ready for our next tasking.

  • Callout 759

    Lifeboats tasked at 15:26 by Belfast Coastguard to reports of a missing windsurfer. First informant said they lost sight & had scanned the area with binoculars before contacting the coastguard. Crews quickly deployed & conducted a search of the nearby bays before safely locating the casualty who had managed to get back on his board. Crews spoke with the casualty who was tired, but otherwise in good health. The casualty was happy to make his way back to shore under his own power while crews escorted him into safe water where he received casualty care from the waiting coastguard team.
    Crews returned & refuelled at 16:30 and boats made ready for next tasking.
    Thanks to the first informant for raising the alert & for providing very accurate location data.

  • Callout 758

    Lifeboats tasked at 09:26 to reports of a missing hunting dog but as crew made their way to the station they were stood down as the dog had made its way back to shore.

  • Callout 757

    LNR tasked at 16:50. Lifeboats tasked to a vessel in the Rams Island area in difficulties. One person requiring medical attention. As lifeboats arrived on scene the casualty vessel had been assisted back to sandy bay by a local vessel. Lifeboats stood down and returned to stations. Many thanks to the local vessel for assistance.

  • Callout 756

    LNR tasked at 16:18 to a 17ft boat aground in Kinnego Bay. Lifeboat crew successfully refloated the vessel.
    Lifeboats returned to base and made ready for next tasking.

  • Callout 755

    LNR tasked at 17:34 to a broken down boat north of Ardboe. The boat was towed by a lifeboat to safety.
    Lifeboats returned to base and made ready for next tasking.

  • Callout 754

    LNR tasked at 09:04 to a report of a swimmer possibly in difficulties near Oxford Island. It was established that the swimmer was ok and LNR was stood down.

  • Callout 753

    LNR tasked at 14:40 to a broken down jet ski south of Toland’s flat.
    Lifeboats made way to the area and safely located the jet ski with two persons on board.
    The two casualties were brought to the safety of our lifeboat and their jet ski was then towed along side and taken to Kinnego marina.
    Lifeboats returned to base and made ready for next tasking.

  • Callout 752

    Our Swift-water Rescue technicians were tasked at 22:12 by Belfast Coastguard to the Blackwater river after reports of a person in the water.
    While on route to the scene we received more information that the casualty was safe and well so we stood down and returned to base
    All equipment made ready for next tasking.

  • Callout 751

    Tasked at 17:35 by Belfast Coastguard after reports from a member of the general public to a strange object not far from the old torpedo launch in the Antrim bay. After further inspection it was deemed to be an old pipe which had been washed ashore.