For emergencies on Lough Neagh and it’s tributary rivers call 999 and ask for the Coastguard.


  • Callout 422

    KILB paged by MCA at 15-00hrs to report of small boat with 3 POB adrift 1 mile North of Emersons Sand Quay. After a search with darkness approaching the casualty was found near Kiltagh Point, South of Ardboe. The three crew where cold but safe, they where then towed to a local Quay.
    KILB back on station at 16.50

  • Callout 421

    (Search Continued) KILB departed at 9.35 to search the area south of Kells point along with AILB and approx 20 fishing boats. The search continued until a body was recovered by one of the fishing boats and brought to Wylies Quay. KILB then returned to station and arrived back at 12.30.

  • Callout 420

    On 01/12/08 at 21.10 to search for a man overboard from a white cruiser south of Kells Point. An extensive search was carried out by KILB and AILB with the help of Police 44 which provided search light. Local fishing boats also helped to search the area while the Coastguard, Cookstown Fire and Rescue Service and local residents provided shore crew. Recovery operation was declared and lifeboats and local fishing boats searched the area until 02.05. All boats then stood down and arrangments where made to return to the scene later that morning.

  • Callout 419

    On 25/11/08 at 20.15 to meet the owner of a 23′ Scarab sports boat which was adrift off the River Bann mouth. S1 proceeded to the Bann mouth where there was no sign of the owner or boat. Tasked by Coast Guard to search around Coney island where there was no sign of the boat. Then search to Way Point 19. Search was then called off and S1 was back on station at 22.30

  • Callout 418

    On 08/11/08 at 14.45 to a white rib “Osprey Ranger” which had lost power off Discovery Centre. KILB was tasked and the rib was brought back to Kinnego Marina.

  • Callout 417

    On 12/10/08 at 18.55 to search for a jet ski with two persons aboard which had not returned to Gawleys Gate where it had launched. PSNI Helo reported sighting of two persons on Rams Island. AILB arrived first and collected the casualties and brought them to Crumlin Marina where they were met by Kinnego Tango. KILB searched for the jet ski and was later joined by AILB and S1. Jet ski was found but was badly damaged and full of water. Returned to station at 20.40.

  • Callout 416

    On 02/08/08 at 17.00. CoastGuard rang at 17.05 to say that a man had got out of the water himself and to stand down.

  • Callout 415

    On 01/08/08 at 12.15 to a jet ski which had broken down between kinnego and Morrows Point. The casualty was located off Hog Park and was taken under tow by KILB back to Kinnego. Back on Station at 13.45.

  • Callout 414

    On 28/07/08 at 13.45 to a boat off Rams Island. The boat had lost its rudder and was sinking fast. KILB arrived shortly after AILB which was alongside the sinking boat taking the 5 occupants aboard. AILB then proceeded to Crumlin Marina where they were met by Kinnego Tango. Boats back on station at 15.50.

  • Callout 413

    At 16.30 on the 21st July KILB responded to small fishing boat aground on Tolans at the mouth of Kinnego Bay. The Boat was safely towed back to origin.

  • Callout 412

    At 15.30 on the 21st July KILB was tasked to a stranded jet ski. The Ski had fouled in weed, KILB towed it to deeper water and the jet was cleared by an LNR crew member. The Ski then made its own way back to Kinnego.

  • Callout 411

    AILB was tasked by Coastguard to a speedboat that had hit rocks just off kettle bottom on the eastern shore and damaged its prop, there where 5 Persons on board including a baby.

    AILB towed boat out to deeper water, anchored it, and took casualties onto lifeboat and back to Antrim Marina, by this stage 2 of the occupants where suffering from mild Hypothermia. Ardboe lifeboat boat then went back out and towed the damaged boat into Antrim Marina.

    The Speedboat
    The Speedboat