For emergencies on Lough Neagh and it’s tributary rivers call 999 and ask for the Coastguard.

Callout 705

LNR paged @21:09 on Sept 12th by CGOC Belfast Coastguard and tasked to 7 people onboard two vessels aground at Coney Island
Lifeboats and shore crew quickly launched and proceeded to the area, after a quick search they located the stricken vessels in the Coney Flat area
The vessels where approximately in 1-2ft of water making access very difficult with an onshore wind added to the equation creating a lot of swell but where able to make contact and assess both casualty and vessels were OK.
We carried out a lee shore rescue with two crew entering the water and where able to get a tow rigged on the first vessel with 3 casualties and brought to safety in Maghery to awaiting shore crew and Lough Neagh Coastguard Rescue Team.
Decision was made to launch our swift water boat from the slip at Maghery to assist with bringing casualty’s off the other vessel. With conditions being challenging this was not an easy task
Once in position our Milpro boat was able to pick up the casualties and transferred another 4 people to the main lifeboat to be taken to safety in Maghery slipway
When all casualties where safe and accounted for our boats proceeded back out to attempt and remove the vessel from rocks, after a lot of effort our crews were able to get the vessel floating and commenced a tow back to Maghery, once vessel was tied up our crew proceeded back to base
Boat and van back in base at 04:00 and refuelled for next tasking.