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Honey Sale

Honey Sale raises money for Lough Neagh Rescue

An amazing £135.00 has recently been donated by Conservation Service staff based at the Lough Neagh Discovery Centre to Lough Neagh Rescue, thanks to the sale of honey from their on-site Bee Hives.

Due to the hard work and dedication of the staff, and the bees 27 jars of delicious honey was produced from the three bee hives that the Conservation Service staff look after – and council staff were offered the exclusive opportunity to get their hands on it! A donation of £5 per jar was suggested with all jars snapped up in no time. Thanks to everyone who generously donated and we hope you enjoy your honey!

Pictured – Andy Griggs (Education & Activities Officer, Lough Neagh Discovery Centre) hands over the donation to Philip Smith from Lough Neagh Rescue