For emergencies on Lough Neagh and it’s tributary rivers call 999 and ask for the Coastguard.

Visit by Chief Executive & Director of Leisure Services

Today LNR played host to Dr Theresa Donaldson Chief Executive and Stephen Fraser Director of Leisure Services from Craigavon Borough Council. The visit had been arranged as a get to know you visit and it did all that and more. The pair where accompanied by Paddy Prunty a founding member of LNR, and Site Manager, Harbour Master of Kinnego Marina & Oxford Island.

The visit started with introductions to the crew and an overview of the service we provide. There then followed a short voyage on the Kinnego Lifeboat where Cox’n Colin Harbinson put “Bungy” through her paces.

The visit was finished of with a light lunch and a chat. It was a very enjoyable day and we look forward to many more of the same.

We congratulate Theresa and Stephen in their recent appointments and hope to see them again soon.